Monday, May 10, 2010

Good without God?

"I find it elevating and exhilarating to discover that we live in a universe that permits the evolution of molecular machines as complex and subtle as we"-Carl Sagan

Why do people need god? This more than just a test to see if anyone is reading, its a serious inquiry.



  1. I suppose it is a way to cope with the world as it is. A belief that there is something greater than everything in the universe and is on your side seems rather appealing, in a sense.

    Religion isn't called the opium of the masses for nothing.

  2. Great answer, exactly what i was thinking

  3. wow you're cool! go get a life

  4. ahah!wat!? oh no yew didnt!?

  5. And God said, let there be light.... but then i turned the switch back off, so am i more powerful then God? discuss

  6. ZOMG GAIS!!! im not gonna bother wasting my time on letting any1 here know who i am but i will however write a rather long and ranting paragraph telling you all that if Jesus were here today he would be very disappointed in u!!! god our (by "our" i mean "my") lord and savior will not let me go to hell even though i think its fun to poke at all the weak points of the atheist ideal like "jesus did exist so HA!" well yes he did but he wasnt a freaking wizard/zombie. he was just some guy that got a large following of ppl.

  7. why bother arguing about this? people are entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. no use shoving one's beliefs down another's throat.

  8. Arguing is pointless yes. And yes everyone is intitled to their own opinions. But facts are facts right? So ill just throw out some truth yeah? Jesus is real. Done :)

  9. jesus was a wizard; a wizard of heroin.
    jesus used his wizard powers to start a cult.
    jesus' cult is still culting it up today.

  10. Is that quote found in Cosmos? I love Carl Sagan. He makes being an atheist spiritual and the universe beautiful.

  11. Stop acting like atheism is some sort of anti-religion religion. You crazies really need to research before you respond.

  12. Well, I have researched, and I have debated with many Atheists. Bring it.

  13. Well, then. God/Allah/Buddha are names for a leader of a community that was created to give will power to that particular community that had hard times or hard work. Most religions that are popular was made many hundreds of years ago and some even thousands, because of these "Findings" that are now known as evidence, people believe these are the foundations of this planet and how it was created/run blah blah. My evidence to you, that god, does not exist from facts that show no PROVEN existence of God or any Holy/Mysterious occasions, only Books/Rules/Paintings, tangible pieces of History that shows Organisation instead of proof, Amazement instead of, to us, a load of BULLSHIT.

    We can conclude the Existence of God. Please leave all Counter comments Bellow \/

  14. Finally, some competition. I don't solve things that way. I use God to prove the Bible, not the Bible to prove God.

    Let me ask you a question. Can a cause be its own effect in nature? In our universe? Answer that for me. I will build on your answer.

  15. Belief - not an action, or emotion, or experience, for how can a cause be its own effect? Nature has many different species ranging from the Abelia down to the Zinnia. Plants in particular that can do what you just said.
    You mentioned the Universe, it Is said to regenerate every 9 - 10 sextillion years, with alternative options whilst made from an explosion or a gradual expansion. The universe can be it's own cause from it's effect, when the universe finally starts to retract and produces a god particle, that will ultimately become unstable and CAUSE itself to create the universe, even though you probably do not believe in that i'm sure I wasted my time typing it.
    But I still don't get why you asked the question O.o

  16. Actually... no. If the universe regenerated every 10 sextillion or so of our cycles, it would still follow the same laws of nature, as it is still one universe, so cannot be its own effect. Also, everything has an end too, if you notice.
    Well, as the universe cannot be its own effect, there could be theories that go on and on about what made what, but those would all be finite. But the cycle must have a cause that is its own effect, thus must reside outside of the universe. This being, which created the universe, (otherwise there'd be no matter or anything to put into effect) is the Alpha. I know the Alpha by a three letter term with a G at the beginning, d at the end, and an O at the middle. But also as everything must end, there must become an Omega, and since the Alpha does not have its own end and probably doesn't really need time, the Alpha is also the Omega. Thus I worship God, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end.

    Do you argue that?

  17. Not everything can have an End, No one has yet proven that the universe ever started, or will ever end ...

  18. The universe is subject to all laws its contents are subject to. And thus the universe cannot be its own effect. And it is theorized that our universe will either end in a big crunch or big freeze, with a crunch repeating the cycle, and the freeze resulting in total usage of energy so it is too spread out to be used. One just repeats it until it gets to a freeze, and the other means that this round actually IS the end. Either way, it doesn't go on forever.

  19. the big freeze will only occur in a very very very very... Long time.

    The amount of energy used in the universe is nowhere near enough to the amount we will use in this universal Life time, the amount of energy used by this planet for
    2000 years is the amount of energy the sun releases every 0.004 of a second, if you want references DO NOT hesitate to ask, I am on a Astronomy course in the same college Jeremy Clarkson learnt to be a Journalist and Presenter

    But why do you ask me for science in a proof of God?

  20. Ah. But it is connected. You see, faith starts where science ends. I am using two of the five points by C.S. Lewis that prove God. I can use more, too, once I find where I put them.

    It doesn't matter how long it takes for there to be an end, it is only necessary that there will be an end. As the Universe had to have a beginning, and it will have an end, there must be something that is not limited to a beginning or end that set us in motion, proving the existence of God. Place all arguments down below.

  21. Your theory, Belief of god. If you say the universe has an end, does that mean god wants us all to die, wants his universe creation to leave and His almighty glory will not be present..?

  22. Nope. So are we assuming there's a god now? I'll assume you are just playing with this. But even so, I will answer.

    Well, if God just wanted us to die, there's a much more efficient way, like sending a gamma ray at us from the vast beyond or something. Even if it doesn't end in a big freeze this time around, we are still long gone before that, and if we manage to have survivors going into a big crunch, they're dead anyways.

    I'm sure God loves us, as we are His creation (I say God is a He because he's been more fatherly in my experience than motherly). You probably know how you feel when you've made something. If its less than perfect in your eyes, you scrap it, but otherwise you grow attached to it. Because we aren't scrapped, I figure God must love us. Maybe not our actions, but as His creation. We have free will though, which lends itself to two possibilities. Either God was bored or he was lonely. Or both.

    I will answer your question to why is there an end at a later date, since this is answerable by Scriptures, which I haven't 'proven' yet. It is towards the end usually

  23. People need god because they:

    A) Were raised that way

    B) Are scared shitless

    I don't think it's any more complex than that, other than people becoming more religious in bad situations. This isn't as likely though, and self explanatory.

  24. Blah big freeze dude isn't the big freeze just one of a few theories, like the big rip and that other thing?

  25. Dear T,

    I posted a comment on one of your posts 3 years ago and because I simply wrote my name and did not sign in with blogger, I cannot delete it. As the admin, you are the only person who has the ability to do so. I am applying to graduate school currently and need to remove this content from the internet.

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    It would mean so much! Thank you!
