Thursday, December 24, 2009

For the intellectuals who view this blog...

I've started a new one, Debunking Pseudoscience at this link;

Take a look and get to posting those hate comments!


  1. I dont even see how this is funny...I mean, its pretty dumb if you ask me. Most people just find it funny because its offensive I guess, but if thats what makes something funny, then why dont black people laugh at nigger jokes...? Man, what happened to intelligent humor...?

  2. God's mercy and grace is sufficient for all of you who wrote nasty stuff about Jesus.He is your ultimate Savior.At the end all knees will bow and every toungue will confess that He is Lord and His wrath will be displayed and each and everyone of you will regret the mocking you did when you had a CHANCE TO BE HIS CHILDREN

  3. ur a fucking douchbag ^, why would somone beleive in a burning tree that talks and a snake that talks..... wtf is that shit. there is way to many sins to live a "clean" christian life. christianity and religion kill more people than it saves. if god is so "just" how does "it" allow the rich to get richer and the poorer get poorer, u are in for a very rude awakening.

  4. Disproving a christian only makes them believe in their religion even more. They just turn up their ignorance level until they've totally blocked out what you've said.

  5. hello down there, you ask why i would believe? belive in a God you say that makes poor people poorer? Well first off, pursuit of happiness is a real story. Second off, He's God and He's always got a plan. If I'm in for a rude awakening at least I can die or look back on the live I've lived and not regetted doing anything that would hurt myself or others. Like drugs or getting an STD from being ignorant. Since cliche sayings like "reap what you sow" can actually be applied to life. You also say there are too many sins to be clean. I AM A SINNER. I won't deny to you that I do stupid stuff EVERY DAY. I'm just lucky enough to have Jesus die for my sins, and be able to be forgiven of everything. So now I ask you, why would you belive in apes being familiy or nothing at all? that's my question.

  6. I have to disagree with y'all. The fact that you would say that there are "too many" sins to live a "clean" life..I have one question, how would you know? Have you ever given Jesus the chance just like He has you? Because if you have, you wouldn't be saying that. Jesus died on the cross for YOU. He paid the ultimate sacrifice. He died so that we could be forgiven. But not just once, not just twice, but as many times as you need forgiveness, He'll give it to you. That's what love, mercy, and grace all are. He loves you unconditionally. There isn't one thing you could do to change that fact. He has loved you from the start, He loves you now, and He always will.

  7. God doesn't make poor people poorer. See, the people who are poor, they've made choices to get themselves where they are at. God didn't force them to become poor...See, God leaves everything up to you, to me, to everyone. We can choose to follow Him, or not to follow Him. It's all up to you though. Everyone is a sinner. I am a sinner too. No one is perfect. Far from it. We all do stupid things everyday, not just you.

  8. This site alone proves that people who don't believe Christ are "ignorant"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. And how are they ignorant? Explain why it is you think that.

  10. hmm, and why do you say f*** religion??

  11. ok nobody was there when jesus was resurected NOBODY POOFS OUT OF THE FUCKIN AIR, has nobody ever thought that maby the person who came up with christianity is STUPID AS FUCK. these same people beleived in witches. i ask do you beleive in witches? there was over 60 different writers of the bible, do not think one of those people streched the story a little bit?

  12. After Jesus was resurrected, He came back. People saw Him after He was resurrected. And no, I don't believe in witches. But I do believe in God. And you seem to know some stuff about the Bible and what not, if you say don't believe, how do you know so much? Were you once a believer?

  13. And to answer your question about whether or not I think the story might have gotten stretched, I don't. See, among the four Gospels, there are many contradictions. BUT, if there weren't those contradictions, it would just be another story and even harder to believe. For example, let's say someone gets into an accident at a light and you have four people standing at each corner. In the end, they would all have different stories, but they would all point in the same direction of what happened. They are just different perspectives. It is the same way in the Bible.

  14. who was there when jeusus was ressurected?

  15. stop beleiving in fairy tales, grow the fuck up :\

  16. No one was there when He was resurrected. But they did see Him when He came back, before He went to heaven. They saw Him go up to heaven.

  17. What i believe is not a fairytale. There have been many things that I have gone through and experienced and I KNOW without Christ, I would not have been able to get through them. I would not be where I am today, nor would I be who I am today. I have an analogy. You might have heard this once or twice, but really think about it. Because there is some definite truth in it. Wind. You can't see it, but you know it's there. You can see it moving through things. It is the same thing with God. You can't see Him, but you know He's there.

  18. I will not patronize nor will I condescend those who have defended Christianity. I find some of these posts sad, not just from an intellectual standpoint but also from a human point of view. that many of the people posting here demean themselves, claim to be sinners and claim to be lost and helpless without God. I hope that even if they still believe, to open themselves up to life as we can see it now, and to live the one life they have to the fullest and to stop looking towards the future. Appreciate the freedom, health, and luck that you have that you have access to a computer and that you live in a society that allows free exchange of ideas. I do this, and I don't thank a faceless supernatural belief, I think about the wonder and beauty of our natural universe. As Isaac Asimov once said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that we comprehend even a fraction of it". I do not and will never depend on anything but myself and my family for support,and I find some of the posts above detrimental to humanity, expressing the idea that without God, we are helpless. Here's the punchline; we created God. From the Sumerians to Zoroaster to Pastafarianism, humans create religion and the wonders and supernatural beings they rely on. Without humans, God is nothing, without God, humans are powerful.

  19. You've made some good points. I have to say you are right in one aspect, humans did create religion, but humans didn't create God. God always was, is, and always will be. He had no beginning and He has no end. I am a Christian myself. But I am not religious. In fact, I hate religion. Religion is just doing "good works" and thinking you'll be okay, you'll go to heaven. People think, "Well, I don't murder, I don't steal, or any of those "bigger" sins, so I'm a good person." That's not it at all. Sin is sin no matter what. Christianity isn't about religion. It's about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

  20. how can a person rely on sombody that doesnt exist. there is now way im goin to abide by rules that were made thousands of years ago, by sombody sought to be jesus. when u think about it, the ultimate fear is death, wich is ultimatly the unknown, humans, have questions. how can u answer a question that is unknow?
    humans, naturaly have to have an answer for everything. so since knowing whats after death is completly impossibly, sombody said that there was a god and they didnt have to worry because if they live a life of singing songs in church every sunday and drink the "blood" of christ, and eat the "body" christ. and live a clean life. u will go to heaven. but isnt that fairy tale a little bit better that not knowing what is after death? for that reason i do not follow a supernatural "BELEIF"

  21. Whoever said that it is the persons fault that they are poorer, that is not always true. There are situations where a person is BORN into poverty. they are born into a situation where it is steal to live or die. I don't condone stealing. But sometimes people don't have a choice. What if a kid is born on the streets with nothing and no chance to go to school, and so how is it their fault they didnt get an education and couldnt get a good job? How is that fair? You can say god has a plan, but it doesnt change the fact that people are suffering in life. and if god puts a person in a situation where they are forced to sin and therefore cannot get into heaven, they are getting doubly fucked over. They got fucked over in life, and fucked over in having to go to hell because of it. It also makes no sense that just because you believe in god and accept jesus as your savior you can go to heaven. Consider this. Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic. This makes him a christian. He believed in god and jesus as his savior. I do not. I am not religious in any way. So because Hitler believed in Jesus, he has more right to go to heaven than i do? I have committed no crimes in my life, I live my life to help people, I am currently in college with my major being Pre-Med because I intend to be a traveling doctor and go worldwide helping those i can as often as i can. I just want to help people. But i dont believe in jesus or god and so i am doomed to burn in hell while Adolf Hitler, the person responsible for the Halocaust and attempted genocide against the Gypsies and, according to his twisted thinking, by extension the Jewish, I mean no offense to anyone by that I am saying that is the shitty logic that Hitler used, will get more of right to go to heaven than me simply because he believes in god and jesus? Explain to me how that is fair. Explain to me how that makes sense. This is not an attack. I want a serious answer. I will take all answers into consideration. And to the man that said "Fuck religion" you are an ignorant ass. Be an intellectual and think before you speak next time. You don't help your case by making yourself look like an asshole.

  22. Just because I believe something different than you does not make me ignorant. It does not mean that I am doomed to hell. I have no religion. I have friends and family that are religious. It does not come between us. We are all MATURE enough to respect that we have different opinions and different reasons for those opinions. I respect them very highly for having faith in something they cannot see. The people I have a problem with –and this goes for all religious groups –are the people who shove their beliefs down my throat and tell me I’m wrong for my beliefs.

    To the person who asked if we non-believers have ever given Jesus a chance: Yes, actually. My parents raised me Catholic. I went to a Catholic school for ten years. In all that time, the only proof I had of any God was the man at the head of the church saying, “Believe or go to hell!” For ten years I watched my grandfather suffer through liver failure and stomach cancer, my great-grandmother suffer through blindness and three kinds of cancer, my grandmother suffer through both ovarian and breast cancer. For ten years, I prayed that God would end their suffering, whether that be ending the cancer, or taking them from this world. My great-grandmother suffered for four years before dying of a stroke. My grandfather suffered for six and my grandmother for two and a half. Tell me: what about that should have made me go, “I really should believe in God”? My mother is now going through it, my father through epilepsy and paralysis and, to top it all off, they just lost their home. What about that should have opened my eyes?

    To the person who said that it’s the poor person’s fault that they are poor: Do single parents count? Parents who got married, had children, and had their spouse leave them with, literally, nothing. That’s their fault? Or like my parents: They’ve been too sick to go to work and, as a result, they lost their home. That’s their fault? My mother caused her cancer? My father caused the drunk driver to hit him? I don’t think so. You really should look around you before you say things. You never know what people are going through.

  23. religion is silly, kills so many people, the world would be better with out it. think how many countless lives would be saved if there was no religion, nobody would follow, hitler, saddam housane, osama bin laden. so many familys wouldnt be crushed. if there is a god i hope he rains his wrath upon me right now. but that aint gonna happen. and if someone keeps praying to god about somthing he doesnt help you get what u want. you help yourself to get what u want, if u go around life praying all the time, one of prayer is bound to come true. like nastradamus: if u sit around your wholle lef predicting shit. one thing is bound to come true. if god is so just, so loving. how can he let people die for no reason at all. so many good men and women and innocent children die from starvation and famine, and canada and america have more than enough money to wipe it out. how come we havnt had one person to come to power to do so?

  24. Y'all have one thing in common with all of your comments, and that's this: If God is so just, why would people we love die? Why is there suffering, hardships, things like that in this world? My response to you is this, if there wasn't suffering, and if there wasn't death, or any hardships, we would have no reason to believe in God, there'd be no reason for faith, because everything would be right in the world. We would never go through anything that would cause us to fall or be hard for us to deal with on our own. While we are just looking at the things we see right in front of us, what's happening in our lives now, God looks at the bigger picture, what's going to happen later on. He sees and knows what's going to happen a week from now, a month, a year. We can't. God has a plan for everything. He knows what He's doing. Let's face it, no one knows when they'll die, no one knows how long anyone has to live. And when someone close to us and someone we love and care about dies, we're crushed. We're left asking why they had to die, we're left with that pain and that feeling of loss. We're left with uncertainty and doubt and thinking that life isn't fair. But ultimately, God still has a plan. And maybe you won't see it right away, maybe you won't even see it til years later, and maybe you'll never see it because you weren't looking, but God always has a plan in everything, whether we understand it or not. Now for those of you who don't believe in God, you probably think that I'm just some naive seventeen year old teenager who doesn't know what I'm talking about. And you know, who REALLY knows if God is real or not? If you think about it, no one really does. But, with that having been said, what if He is real? What if the whole heaven and hell thing really does exist? If God isn't real, and doesn't exist, which in turn would make heaven and hell non-existent too, then what would it matter? Nothing would happen and things would just keep happening as they always have. There would be no second coming of Jesus, no rapture, no spending eternity in heaven or hell, none of that. On the flip side, what if I'm right? What if God does exist, and what if heaven and hell do exist? Jesus does come back for the second time, and the rapture really does happen. Then everything would change. People who believe would be gone in the blink of an eye, no warning. And the people who don't believe, they'd be left behind confused, alone, and lost. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I would rather take my chances and believe, rather than not believe. Many people think that Christians as a whole just shove their "religion" and beliefs down people's throats and say if you don't believe, you're going to hell. And yes, a lot of people that are Christian do in fact do that. However, I am not one of them. And I know a lot of Christians who aren't like that. And for those of you who have experienced that first-hand, I'm sorry. Because of those who have done that, you probably just close up and shut down when anyone tries talking to you about God and faith. And that's not what's supposed to happen. Too many people these days judge others and quickly point out everything that's wrong with them, when in reality, we're supposed to love everyone no matter the differences, no matter who believes what or who doesn't believe. That is what I strive to do; to love people regardless of anything they might've done. Regardless of what they believe, what they don't believe. Just whatever it is, I try to set all of that aside and love them. Because if I do nothing at all but love them, I have done my part and have shown them Jesus. I will no longer comment on here saying what I believe. I think I have said all that I need to at this point.

  25. you make a good point, but what you said, meens your yout following jesus out of fear. and if there was a god you think he would want us to fear him if we were his children?

  26. and how do you know god knows all? how do you know if he has a plan?

  27. Jesus loves the little children! =]

  28. To the person who said that I was following out of fear, I'm not. For me, I know that God does exist thrpugh personal experience. It's not really something I can explain to where you'd understand it right now. But, next time your outside, just take a look around you. With everything that's out there, the sunrise, the scenery around you, the sunset, the starlit sky, take a look at that and think about it you really think it was all just created by chance? That something happened billions of years ago that just made everything appear, and just by chance, the sun is where it needs to be and everything else is where it needs to be in order for people to live here on earth? Because man, the things I have seen suggest otherwise.

    To the person who asked how do I know that God knows all, that God has a plan, that comes with faith and trusting and beliving God at His word. Jeremiah 29:11 says this, "For I know the plans I have for," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." That is what I remember whenever I am going through anything that would make me feel uncertain about something or when I don't know what is going to happen in my life.

  29. I'm only a 14 year old girl. I'm not intelligent or special in any way. But I'm still entitled to an opinion, a belief. Here's a little insight into what I believe, religiously.

    I'm open to the concept of religion but I'm not convinced by it. If I was to put myself under any religious category, it would be Buddhism; a belief in God or any superior being isn't required, and I try my hardest to live my life in the way that Buddhists do.

    For as long as I've lived, I've never believed in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and magic... so why would I believe in God, heaven and hell? It's the same thing, really. No matter what I choose to believe in, in the future, there's always gonna be doubt in my mind. If I choose to be a Christian, I'll think: "What if there is no God, but an Allah? What if I'm believing in the wrong God? Will I be punished for that?" Humans don't have an answer for what happens after death, and it frightens them. What happens after death frightens me too. Heaven is, in my mind, just a fictional reassurance, created in the Bible to make people abide by certain rules, so that they'll be happy after they die.

    That's all I'm going to say on this, and I hope it's opened your eyes, just as the above posts have opened mine. ^_^

  30. Anonymous, you're officially the most intelligent and well-spoken 14 year old girl on the planet. Congratulations on redeeming your generation. :D

  31. im not christian.. but i know that none of these things are offensive. (13 years of catholic school and 19 years of an irish catholic mother and grandmother)

    the christian god has a sense of humor. you can joke about jesus starting the whole socks and sandals thing. if this offends you, don't look at it. sure offends me. i don't look at it. and that is pretty damn blasphemous.

  32. i just thought that i would say, to the person talking about hitler and how he believes in God, and wondering why HE of all people would go to heaven over you [who doesnt believe]; i would just like to point out that JUST BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE doesnt mean your going to heaven. look at it this way, the DEVIL believes in God. does that mean HE is going to heaven? NO. its not just about believing, its about personally accepting him into your heart and into your life. Just believing isnt really going to get you anywhere. I'm only 15 but if i can understand that concept, im sure you can.

  33. There can not be a heaven nor a hell. It is impossible for there to be eternal bliss (heaven) because without bad experiences, there couldn't be any good experiences. And there can not be eternal torture (hell) because without good experiences, you wouldn't be able to feel painful, unpleasnant experiences. Think of it this way: the reason we have the ability to be happy is because we have been sad before. The reason we have the ability to be sad is that we have been happy before.

  34. You say that there couldn't possibly be a heaven and a hell. How so? Can you prove it? Just like you say we can't prove that there is, can you prove there isn't?

  35. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26.

  36. yay!!! go the person who is on God's side!!!!!

    hey u guys noe how to get out of "following" a blog? i didn't know wat "following" ment and den i realzied aftawards. (ya i noe u tink im kidding but im not)

    commenting on the blog..well i guess that lots of people dont believe in Jesus..heaven..hell...the bible...God most importantly...
    there are lots of doubts that Christians have themselves. Thats what makes most of them stronger in their faith. But for unbelievers it's hard. A lot becuz they don't want to understand. They dont want to acknowledge the fact that what they think is fake mite be real. They keep doubting God because they think they're right and they won't stop to actually think for a moment when they mite b wrong...
    anyways. just wanted to say sumfin cos' i thought i shud.
    :) happy days y'all.

  37. I heard that jesus is a false prophit for Esteban the true God

  38. u herd it...did u believe it??

  39. To the people who are saying "if God is so just, why are there poor people and wars :(" and also to the people who are saying "because the poor people deserved it and it's their own fault! (and then ignore the bit about wars)":

    As far as I've learned through my faith, there will always be poor people. There were poor people in Jesus' day. There were poor people before, and there were poor people after. However, it is NOT always their fault that they are poor. It is not the choice of a child born in a third-world country to be poor. It is not the choice of someone who is terribly ill to have to stop work and so lose their income and even their home, and so be poor. That's just the way life works. However, we have the power to change the outcome of their fate - the child born in a third world country doesn't need to suffer due to water-borne diseases or a lack of education, because through great programs we can share our wealth to help them break the cycle of poverty.

    And as for wars, God didn't create wars, not directly, at least. Just think about this for a sec: you are able to control yourself, riiight? You can make your own decisions and your own choices riiight? Riiiighttt! Imagine if you couldn't do that? imo, life would suck. I don't even know how we could exist if we lived unconsciously like that. And God knows this, and he loves us so much that he gave us free will. Follow me so far? Ok, so that means that while we can make decisions that benefit others, whether it be simply complimenting your colleague's new hairstyle, or giving your life for someone. However, it also means that we can do things that are detrimental to others, and to society in general, like making a snide comment about your colleague's shit new hairdo, or allowing something terrible to happen that you could have stopped. These negative choices are generally known to the world as 'sins' - a very commercialised word these days, it would seem.

    So it is through these bad choices that atrocities occur, such as wars, genocide, domestic violence, whatever. Now any sensible person would not be able to deny that. Whether you're Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Atheist, WHATEVER, you cannot fail to recognise that because we're all just so bloody human we can make mistakes, and we can also do terrible things through choices we make in our lives.

    God gives us a chance to do the right thing though, simply by giving us the free will that allows us to do good he has given us this chance, and he has furthered this by giving us the chance to have our negative actions forgiven by him - or in simple terms, to say sorry, if we truly mean it.

    aaaaand that ends my little speech for todayyy, gosh didn't mean to get so carried away there.. also, I too despise those who shove their religions down your throats (and that applies to those who don't have a religion too! Don't tell me you think I'm wrong if you don't want to be told that I think you're wrong!), but that's not what I'm trying to do here. I'm just trying to answer some questions and clarify some confusion.

  40. p.s. there's still a lot in the post above that I've left out, simply because I don't understand it enough to try and offer it to someone else. I'm not really a very religious person, but I do recognise the wealth of wisdom that can come from understanding (or trying to understand) God. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

  41. I think that what you said is good. I encourage you to keep doing what you're doing, and that is share your faith. Even if you don't have all the answers, that's okay. One thing you can always do in sharing Jesus with someone is sharing the faith that you have and why it is you have it; life experiences, things that you have learned, etc. Even if someone doesn't believe in God, they can't tell you that you're wrong when it comes to things you have personally experienced and have gone through.

  42. How can u guys beleive what people said over 2000 years ago, and why do u beleive in jesus? there were so many religions before christianity, why pick that one? because if u dont follow the right path in gods eyes, u go to hell for eternity, doin laps in a lake of fire, what kinda fuckin bullshit is that?

  43. You ask how I can believe what people said over 2000 years ago when it comes to Jesus..let me ask you this: History; where do you get your information from about it? The obvious, history books. Everything in a history book is written about things that happened many years ago, yet you can so easily believe that. Why? Why is it so easy for you to believe what comes out of history books and not the Bible? Is it because there isn't any "proof" or that you can't acyually see Jesus? Because if you took the time to really look around you, you'd see God's hand in everything. Faith. It isn't easy. Not by any means. Buf if you just gave God a chance like He's given you so many times, you'd see Him for who He really is.

  44. You people are ridiculous.

    There is no physical evidence of a god, a person named Jesus Christ, or really anything that happened in the Bible. You can have your faith, but arguing with someone who disagrees is just showing how ignorant you are.

    Believe what you want, but when you die... you DIE. You rot in a wooden box, the END. Until someone can prove otherwise, you are fighting a losing battle.

  45. Stefanie.. you can argue about no evidence of a god, but to say there's no evidence of Jesus is just ignorant...

  46. so stefanie. you say that arguing with some who disagrees is ignorant. well, are you calling your self ignorant as well ? because we disagree with what you are saying. but your arguing with us ? :S think about it. your doing to us, exactly what you claim that we are doing to you.

  47. Stefanie, you say there is no "physical" evidence of God. Let me ask you this, how do you think we got here? Do you think that we're all just here by chance and the world was in fact created by the whole "big bang theory?" Because for me personally, I don't see how anyone, whether they believe in God or don't belive in God, can say that or think that. I mean how sad is it to sit there and believe that you're here just by chance and that once you die you die, end of story, that your life doesn't really have meaning, no special purpose. Because that is so far from the truth. God created everyone and everything. He created you Stefanie. He has a special purpose for you. He created you to be who you are for a reason. Do you care to find out what that reason is? Because let me tell you, I know that He has something great in store for you and He wants to show you a whole new perspective in and on life than the one you have right now.

  48. read up on quantum mechanics-- it proves that there is no god.

  49. Quantum Mechanics really has nothing to do with Christianity, religion, or anything of the sort..if you think otherwise, why do you think that? Explain to me how it proves there is no God.

  50. I love how 99% of Christians answer the question "What was Jesus' full name" as "Jesus Christ". They are so ignorant about their own faith that they don't know that it was "Jesus, the Christ" meaning "Jesus, the son of god". However, back then, Jesus HIMSELF preached that EVERYONE was the son of god, and that the title "the Christ" was to be bestowed upon those deserving respect for their servitude towards god. Jesus explicitly said that no man should be worshipped, only God.

    Christians, in their ignorance, ignore this and continue to worship this ordinary guy because powerful leaders hundreds of years after Jesus' death used misinformation, fear of the unknown, and brainwashing (which was really easy back then, when there was no technology to provide a basic education to most people - not that much has changed) to get people to obey them, remain submissive and passive, and to pay their taxes.

    Proof that the church is corrupt? Back in the early days, the Vatican OUTLAWED banks from collecting interest and making money off of other people's money. HOWEVER, the Pope REQUIRED "Donations" to be paid to the vatican by the banks in return for being allowed to operate. Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP. This proves that the Pope is a corrupt little fucker and has no interest in doing anything but maintaining power. Jesus preached all these great ideals, yet when he died, his preachings died too, because nobody respects his words and nobody follows his true preachings. King James bible? Bullshit. Wasn't even close to what Jesus said. John 3:16? Not what Jesus said. Anyone who believed in Jesus would be saved? NO, NOT WHAT JESUS SAID.

    Get a brain you twats. Islamics might have a small group of extremists, but Christians have a majority of ignorant fools who say "Jesus' preachings are great!" Yet they bash Gays, outlaw abortion, and contradict themselves to the point of making themselves look like retarded fools, not just ordinary fools. I hope Islam doesn't take over the world, but if Al Quaeda bombs a church in Buttfuck, Arkansas, guess who's not gonna give a damn? Me. Less brainwashed motherfuckers to deal with. Give the terrorists a Darwin award, they're doing us a favor. By favor, I mean EXCLUSIVELY killing Christians, NOT killing innocent civilians. Innocent civilians = non-Christian Americans, or civilians of other cultures. Christians in any country in the world are smart, relaxed people who don't force their opinions on people (For the most part), but in America, I hope every one of em gets a bullet up the asshole.

  51. I completely agree with Stephanie, and I find it sad to see people who believe that without God, life has no purpose. I believe the idea of God degrades our experience on life. It leads people not to appreciate the fleeting nature of life, and that our greatest duty is to ourselves and our fellow human beings, rather than to a supposedly loving yet vindictive god.

    Also, how vague of a word, God, it can mean so many different things, and although God gives you a purpose, the idea of hell in my childhood gave me anxiety and fear of being eternally punished.

    I don't agree with the poster above that terrorists bombing Christians is good, I try to be open minded, and although dogmatics may be irritating, I wouldn't wish death upon anyone. Life is so fragile, so precious, regardless of your views on God, I urge you to appreciate your time on Earth and not to dash towards the finish line, but take some time to look around and enjoy the ride.

  52. ok in response to the hitler thing way back. to me the deal is you believe or you don't thats up to you. but whether you do or don't if you live a life that's generally good ie you don't go and murder a whole lotta people or steal etc and/or when it comes to the end of your life you are repentant about what you have done in your life. (and i mean genuinely, so not just ok ill do this now because when i die itll be fine coz ill just got to reconciliation and be forgiven. u gotta mean it.) then you'll go to heaven whether you believe in it or not but its a choice. only you can decide. In theory then no one would go to 'hell' or 'limbo' but my belief is that when you die you are stripped off your 'human' qualities and whats left is your soul which leaves simply like a conscience. So if your not ready for heaven because YOUR soul doesnt believe your ready, not God, you. then you go to a sort of limbo until you are or if your soul believes you dont deserve heaven then you go to some sort of hell. whatever that is. but its you not God deciding.

    I dnt understand how people can believe that the God we say is so good and kind and created all could condemn someone to hell or punish at all.

    people are born into crap lives because of other peoples decisions along the way because we were given free will. That doesnt mean its their fault or even their families. but for example a kid born onto the streets could be because the mum had her drink spiked by some guy once, she got addicted, life got messed up, had a kid and couldnt handle it so ditched him. not her fault not his, someone just made a bad decision once.

    Some would say, y dnt God just help them then. Truely i dont know for sure cause how could we understand everything about a God, whether he exists or not, we don't understand everything about nature but we know it happens for a reason. if God exists y couldnt it be true for Him too. I believe its about us choosing for ourselves though, we have to choose to do the right thing and decide what is right and wrong. you could say y did God create murderers. but really we are animals so its in our nature to kill. its society that has said we shouldnt kill humans. im not saying thats wrong but we have been given the choice to decide what is right or wrong to, say, kill.

    In the end, i believe, yes, but if someone else doesnt we were given that choice not so we would take it but so we could do just that CHOOSE. and if someone disagrees and post some jokes about christianity leave them be. most of the ones i read werent even offensive they were even funny, they are JOKES!!. and heck im christian and ive laughed at plenty of christian jokes. have a sense of humour

  53. I reckon you have all met Jesus Christ? What makes you so sure of anything? Just live life. You know what is right. You know what is wrong. Do what you want, because it will be that way anyway. You don't need a religion to tell you that. People will believe what they want to believe so stop trying to convert eachother. If you don't think these jokes are funny, so be it. End of story.

  54. God is like gravity.To the person who asked.."What makes you so sure have you met Jesus?"Have you touched gravity..did it tap you on the shoulder..No-heck no. You can deny its existence all day long but if you jump of a building you will fall-even if you deny that it is in action.
    To me-I see God in his creation.I hold on to his promise of our lives having a purpose.But even if he were not real, it sure beats knowing that you and your life is worthless,no one gives a crap about you,that with all the bad in the world..that you and your situation are hopeless.

  55. the difference is that we have evidence for gravity, and it is mostly beneficial to humanity.

  56. But there is "evidence" of God. Just take a look around you. I mean, do you really think that we're all here by chance? That all of the amazing, simplistic things were just man made or just happened the way it happened? Because if you look around you, the sunset, sunrise, the starlit sky, some of the world's "wonders," I don't get how you can look at all of that and not see God's hand in it, not think that there has to be something bigger that went into it all.

  57. No, im sorry, just because the world is beautiful and complex, doesn't mean that it was created or there is 'something bigger'. This something bigger idea degrades the human experience. It's more beautiful to think of this wondrous world as a one time deal, something fragile to cherish, not a race to the eternal finish line/

  58. So then let me ask you this, how do you think it all got created? How do you think everything came to be about? If you don't believe that God created everything, what do you believe?

  59. You guys have serious issues. im 13 and i beleive in jesus christ! he is our creator and he loves us all. do you want to go to hell and be tortured FOREVER??? i dont. i want to be in heaven worshiping jesus christ!!! you need to beleive in him because the time is coming. theres gonna be a judgement day and if you are not a christian, well, you go to hell. jesus loves us all but he ddnt create us to be like this. so with all the murders, rapes, kidnappngs, he is very angry cuz ths is NOT how he made us. why are you guys hatng jesus? has he ever done anything to you??? no! he created you. you cant go through lfe happy on ur own. u guys need help!!! :( :( :(

  60. The problem i have with your reasoning is even if i was convinced by your fear mongering and I wanted to repent, i would still have to somehow reverse my thoughts on gods existence, because no matter how much prayer i did, if in my mind i thought there was no god than i would go to hell anyway. Regardless, I suspect you may need help with your god complex. How can you base your life view on a vindictive, jealous, bitch of a deity who would burn unbaptized babies and endorse genocide, slavery and murder?

  61. To answer the person before the 13 year old, I can confidently say I don't know how exactly the universe came into being, and I'm fine with that. At the beginning of a scientific revolution, we must be humble and admit we don't have an exact hold on our universe's origins, but we are forever striding towards a new understanding of our world and how this all came to be. As for what I believe, I believe in humans, and why shouldn't I. Strong enough to build the pyramids, intelligent enough to reason, and irrational enough to create the concept of God. Humans have done more for this world than any unseen god can, and I hope for a bright future for all of us, as well as a strong push for unity on this issue specifically. If you want more on what I believe, i think this might help, although they aren't my words.

  62. obviously what people dont get is that this website probably started off as an inside joke then when people find it they assume that this guy/girl hates Jesus. Get over yourselves. If someone needs to defend there religion do it by going to church or whatever your damn traditions are. If you're offended by this site then stop reading it. If you think its funny good for you cause personally I think this is one of the funniest ideas of a joke that I have ever seen. Remember, if you are not finding this funny STOP READING IT.

  63. Question: why is it that everyone assumes that because you believe in God you are "racing to the eternal finish line" or whatever and aren't "enjoying the ride" and "appreciating how fragile life is"?
    Yes, life is fragile. there is nothing much quite like it.
    Because we believe in God does not mean that we don't have faith in humans, and don't strive for a better world, nor appreciate the world we have. In fact, it usually means quite the opposite. However, living in such a commercialised world, the message that Jesus was born as a human to convey has been warped, and from what I hear about Christians in the US, and places that are westernised under US influence, is not pleasant.
    Having faith is something totally personal. Just like not having faith.
    Religions did not come into existence for us to be "told what to do", they came into existence through people who shared similar faiths wishing to celebrate those faiths together. The message of the Church has also become warped - Jesus tried to teach us to be kind to and accept everyone. This includes homosexuals and anyone else whom society deems today as being "wrong", and especially anyone who the religious people of today deem as being unacceptable because of THEIR interpretation of the Bible.
    If you ask me, the mainstream Christian Church of today has become warped and corrupt, and the true message has become lost in the "good intentions" of the people.
    They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I believe that this couldn't be more true, and that in our desire to create our own perfect world we have created a corrupt world - in our desire to create heaven, it is us who have created hell.
    So please, don't let Christians ruin God for you, and if you are one of those people who shoves their beliefs down other's throats, perhaps take a step back and reflect on what you're doing not only to your own faith (or lack thereof) but to the faith (or lack thereof) of others.
    Just some food for thought.

  64. To the post above, it was a refreshing bit of humanity and kindness. As to what you said, i think that I often put things in these posts that maybe express my frustrations with the minority in the crowd, and don't show my acknowledgement of the more sincere and reasonable people and the beliefs they encompass. As for thinking about why I don't belive, I often do so as I wasn't born into atheism the way people are born into religion, it was a rough road, a lot of sleepless nights and tome spent worrying that I won't ever get back. Thinking of the world with a godless prospective can be a productive exercise for anyone too. Thanks for reading!

  65. I am Christian, and can I just ask why everyone seems to assume when I say that that I believe the word was made in 7 days and stuff? I do not think that. It is actually a minority of Christians who take the Bible as fact,, it can be interpreted differently by everyone and I think it's more about the morals then a exact history of the earth. I don't have anything against people being atheist, so why do loads of you seem to have so much trouble coping with the fact that many people believe in god?

  66. The people who are commenting against religion aren't addressing you specifically, they're most likely talking to those who attacked atheists in the first place

  67. Er. Right, well, first off, if drinking the blood of Christ and eating the body of Christ is natural, and not a sin, and you will go to heaven for it, then correct me if i'm wrong then you're saying cannibalism isn't a sin. Hah. Besides, i respect your beliefs and all that, but my beliefs are solid. It actually kind of annoys me when we get Jahovas Witnesses knocking on our door, trying to convert us. If God was real, surely he wouldn't need sever acolytes and under-beings to spread his 'will' for him. Surely he could do that himself. We created religion. We created God. Think scientifically, if we believe the bible, then a good few k years ago, how did a normal human make wings out of wax and fly millions of light years up near to the sun. The bible is a fictional and belligerent story book in my honest opinion. It saddens me to see people who attack athiesm and say we have no hope and will go to 'hell' because we choose to abide by our own ways. If i respect your beliefs, respect mine, please. Let's think terms of punishment. If you Christians all believe 'God' punishes us humans for our sins, then why, why the earthquake in Haiti, hundreds of thousands, dead, i don't recall the bible ever saying it is right to cull a mass of innocent people. It's a natural disaster. If God is real, then God has no concept of good and bad right and wrong or moral and immoral.

  68. Also, you say that we are doomed, and God will select his children on judgement day. well I'm sorry to say it, but judgement day won't be coming, we have lots of other things to worry about --- And not just one thing --- that WILL probably kill off most of the world, sooner or later. And i'm not talking about 2012. That's a load of shit.

  69. ikr people just sit around predicting shit that doesnt even come true..if they do something..something would have happen but they dont do something..cuz they know they dont have to do anything because in the end their pain and suffer will end..and go to really annoys me when people predict about shit that they
    have god's vision and shit but in the end theyre selling their book or sumting..Im not saying tht i dont believe in God,Allah,,Moses or other just saying that people need to do something.and stop denying about it some people just blame it to god and other shits but theres no one to blame cuz they are the one who doesnt do a shit..they are the one who have problems here..

  70. but on the other hand, i fucked your mother

  71. lighten up, christian weirdos. Its just fucking humor. Fuck.

  72. obviously you newfags dont know /b/chan

  73. thats really nice that u fucked my mother..

  74. that was just rude and really uncalled for.

  75. So to people who say that God has to exist because of all the miraculous things that happened by chance (sunset, sunrise, nature etc.) I just want to say that I do not believe in God and actually believe that organized religions are detrimental to mankind. Why can't we appreciate all the beautiful things in nature as a miracle of nature and not some all-powerful being? When i see the sunset and sunrise and the beautiful land I live in, I am amazed and confused by the fact that it all happened through nature, but I don't try to just create some idea that someone made so I can feel better and more comforted. I see it as a wonderful natural thing and think about the amazing luck we have to have been born into a place so fantastic. The Universe has been around a long time and I think that justifies the incredible improbability of what we have. It is only after billions of years of trial and error that we came into being, as did our Earth. God shouldn't be required to explain anything around us if we just look to science and reason and try to see the beauty in the world around us without some supernatural reason behind them.

  76. ok well i believe in god. but that doest mean eveyone else has to. you can believe whatever you want. but yall dont have to express your hated for christians. we did not do anything to yall. and just because we dont believe that nothing happened and then something went boom and then the whole earth and atmosphere and universe showed up doesnt mean we are believing fairytales.

  77. yes it does, and i was agreeing with you until the last line.

    Your refusal of science is exactly why you
    believe in fairytales.

    If you had said, just because we don't think the same as you doesn't mean we believe in fairytales, it would be wrong, but it wouldn't shoot itself in the foot like your comment does

  78. Some say that if you believe in God, you are believing in a fairy tale because "technically," you can't "see" God. Some think that God is just too incomprehensible and "too far out there" to be real, so they would just rather not even try to understand the existence of Him or try to understand anything about Christianity and God Himself because it's a lot easier to not even try rather than to try. Let me ask you this: you believe in love, right? If so, then how is that not believing in a "fairy tale?" Love isn't something that you can necessarily see, it's something that you feel, and that you just know in your heart. It's the same thing with God. You can't necessarily see Him, but you can feel Him and you know He's there. Yes, technically, there are ways that we "see" love. For example, by the actions some people take, like going out of their way to do something for you. (just something like that.) But let's think about this: think about someone who has never been shown love in a healthy way their whole life. They've been beaten down and just treated like trash, made to think that they're worthless and meaningless, but somewhere, deep in their innermost being, in their hearts, they KNOW that somewhere out there, love exists and that what they've been shown, it isn't always like that. That love, the love that is whole, and true, and pure, it exists. No matter what they've endured up until that point, they know that love, the real thing, is out there. That's how it can be with God too. You may think that He doesn't exist due to a lot of different reasons. Maybe it's because people close to you have died, or that life has just been too hard for you and there is no way a God that is so loving and powerful would allow you to go through such horrible things, or maybe it's simply because there is just no way for you to understand it and wrap your head around it that you don't believe in Him. But even then, He is real, He does exist, and He is there.

  79. Everyone has their own ideas, beliefs and theories about God and evolution and they are damn well entitled to their own opinion. You can't get mad at someone for not believing in the same things or thinking exactly like you. We all have our own ideas. The bible has some great stories and messeges within it; it teaches us many great things (I believe it does anyway). You can take it all literally, you can say, 'Stuff this, it's all a load of bull' or, like me, you may think, 'well, whether all the stories are true or not i'm not sure, but I think it conveys some good messeges'. Whether we believe in the Bible or not, we can certainly learn from it - if we so choose.

    All of the people out there who are slamming this site, please don't. This guy has his own opinion and he's allowed to. It's great that you're all so passionate about God and that you've found such happiness in him but don't you think that if you can believe in God, if you're entitled to believe in him, that this guy and others like him deserve to have their own opinion as well?

    You can't make anyone believe, because in doing s, you're taking away part of who they are. As you're God makes you who you are, not believing or thinking differently makes these other people who they are. They will stand strong in their beliefs just as you are. You won't break them down, so don't waste your time if you've come to this site to try and convert people or shame them. Don't damn them to hell, don't tell them their bad people, because they're not.

    Is the fact that someone doesn't believe in the same things/ethics as you a good enough reason to hate, pity or dislike them?

    I think it's a beautiful thing that all you passionate Christians can come on here and stand up for what you believe in and I also commend this blogger for making this site because it's what he believes - and he's not afraid of recieving all the 'hate' comments or worried that someone won't approve.

    Faith/spirituality/religion are all individual endevours - some find them, some spend their whole life searching for them and others don't need them. God is a choice. Some make the choice to follow and others don't - it's as simple as that. It doesn't mean that the non-believers are not 'living life as God intended' they're simply choosing a different path. That may be your opinion of them, it might be how you percieve them but they won't be broken by your judgment, just as you will not be broken.

  80. I see that some non believers claim that since no one here was there at the time of Christ that we do not bear witness to the facts so therefore it does not exist. Fine, then since no one here was around for slavery then evidently it does not exist either. In that case take the crown from the Queen while you're at it because she does not exist either. Hey, let's take your freedoms too, because you weren't here for the revolution. As a matter of fact no one here witnessed your birth, or can prove that your mother wasn't a whore. You do not exist, and whether or not your mother is a whore is up for debate.

  81. Your argument is nonsense, as the debate is the historical evidence for Jesus' existence. There is actual primary and secondary evidence and records of slavery, including stories from past slaves and newspaper articles from the time. The queen comment is utterly nonsensical and I have a hard time telling what the hell you're talking about.

    Our freedoms exist independent of the events of the revolution (which we have astounding evidence for), and we can assume that we exist using our sense of reality and perception of existence in our world. Your argument is childish, ignorant, makes false analogies like crazy, and overall degrades your position to the point where i don't feel i have to considerate legitimate enough to care about replying.

    As for the false analogies you drew, the differences are obvious and most people don't need an explanation, but its clear maybe you need some extra special help. The difference is that we have empirical, confirmed, dated, and often witness accounts of all of those events, including child birth, in contrast to the account of Jesus' life, which gives multiple conflicting accounts and leaves gaps in knowledge that cannot be accounted for in scripture or historical evidence of the time.

    As for calling my mother a whore, I don't feel that is funny or that it makes a legitimate point, and although I cannot be sure of my parents loyalty to each other, it wouldn't affect my beliefs whatsoever. Maybe if you knew my mother, you could demand a DNA test to assure that she indeed is honest about my father, but otherwise maybe you should just tighten that bible belt around your neck and keep auto-erotic asphyxiating yourself into further stupidity.

  82. buddy who posted on February 12, 2010 11:29 PM= why do u only beleive in christianity? there were many other religions beforehand.once christians realize why they dismiss all the other gods, they will understand why so many other people dismiss christianity. I, on the other hand dismiss all gods. there is no point in living your life abiding by rules a so called "god" has made. you will find that u have devoted ur entire life to an after life. life is to short for that nonsense.i agree there are some rules (ammendments) that i do agree with, bust most of the rules come from common morals. my advice, dont waste ur life waiting to die and find out if ur good enough to spend eternity in heaven. cause if were gods children, i dont think he would give us an eternal punishment.

  83. This is how most wars start in the first place! Religion was only made for people to pick a side to a battle that will never end. Once you choose one, you're forever lost in that raging fight.

    As others have said... fuck religion. People die for their beliefs, some kill for their beliefs. My beliefs... That no innocent person should have to die in a battle they didn't want in the first place. But it will never stop. I chose, to not pick a side. I chose, not to believe any of those bullshit lies religion has set out for people. I don't care what you think, yet most others would. I just want people to stop dying for reasons that wont even happen. Jesus could be a real person, but most likely his death was just a way to start another faction in a war.

    I feel so proud, I'm only 14 and ranting about religion.

    I can't wait to see people start cursing me out cause I'm "just a kid, and doesn't know better" or "some fag who thinks he knows about war" etc, etc, etc...

    And thus...

    Religion, in general






  84. whoever is keeping and writing on this blog should get a life. I'm not even Christian but i found it offensive for the religion. Even if you dont believe in any of the religions, you should respect them. That way, they'll respect you too. idiot.

  85. i dont understand why everyone who differs in faith has to consider those that dont believe the same thing ignorant...i am a firm believer in chritianity but i dont consider those who dont share my faith to be ignorant...i feel like if these "christians"had say an atheist walk up and say hey there is no Godyou idiot then they would automatically be turned off...why offer a message of love and acceptance by beginning it with a message of hate and repulsion...if people took a stand the right way maybe someone would open their ear to what theyre saying...not everyone is gonna believe something different and to each their own ill tell you what i believe but i wont force feed you my for nonbelievers that slam faith for no reason i see that alot of you post stuff straight from scipture i wonder if you are truly against God or whoever you believe to be in control or if youre just running away from what you know is true

  86. Ryan,

    1. Well isn't that special, you show a basic human kindness by not mocking others, and maybe you should also acknowledge that many atheists myself included don't attack the people themselves but the religion.

    2. Just because people don't want to hear the harsh reality doesn't make it false, it just makes it scary for people who have always been protected by the loving breast of the church.

    3. No atheist is against your god, we merely suggest that his existence is questionable. It isn't that we hate unicorns, its that we think that they probably don't exist. As for running away from the truth, coming from you, this is like the pot calling a white kettle black. Your faith has been sprinting away from scientific discovery and observed evidence for 300 years.

    thanks for reading,

  87. i most certainly havent always been protected by the church im a freshman in college and this is the first time since 9th grade that i havent hit some kind of drug every couple trying to live like i feel i should and yes i do show basic human kindness and most other not saying just atheists are running from anyhting or bashing religions most christians i know are the most condemningpeople i know an itmakes me sick..and he atheists i know are some of the nicest people ive ever met but some people on this blog who claim there is no christ can quote scripture like is cool and i was challenging them bc i dont know why you would have so much knowledge unless you were interested in oneway ornother...i am in no way trying to condemn anyones beliefs bc i think everyone deserves to believ what they all for discussing religionbut as far as attackigreligion i consider that to be jut as uch of an attack on the person who believes that religion but that may just be me but yh thats all i can say bc i gotta get to class hope that cleaed up any questions bout my first post tho

  88. I see a multitude of comments from so-called Christians using profanity at the creator of this site and those who are not Christians. That doesn't win people over to Jesus. To all of the "Christians" commenting on this page, live by the golden rule- do unto others as you would have them do unto you. For other people, God doesn't hate you because your sin. God hates your sin and loves you. I believe because I'd rather live life believing and die to find out there is no God than live as if there is no God and die to find out there is.

  89. i like chocolate milk.. and if you believe in hell you'll end up there =) so screw religion and free your minds ..!

  90. Religion in general is not a bad thing. People taint beliefs and faith making them into things they were never meant to be. Take Islam for example, Muhammad preaches peace and tolerance of all peoples. To do Alla's will and to live their life according to their beliefs. However radicals in any group do exist and as such we have the Extremists who believe they are doing gods will.

    Every belief system has its radicals and extremists no doubt about that no matter where you are on the line of faith. There have been people who don't believe in god who have done horrible horrible things, there have been people who believe in god who have done horrible things. No one person can say without a shadow of a doubt there is No god. Its beyond ignorant to even begin to think we can. Even with all of our intellect and advancements in technology we have not even begun to truly see 1/100.000.000 of the universe at hand.

    By saying "There is no God" you are stating that you know for certain beyond a shadow of a doubt. That would mean you were Omnipotent based on the fact that your claiming you can prove it and know things no other human being could possibly know. "It is not likely" or "I believe he does not exist" or "I don't believe in Gods existence" is more accurate based on the fact that you are stating your not sure without a shadow of a doubt However based on your principals and alloted information data that you can make that judgement call.

    Furthermore you realize that through out time it has not been religion that has killed people it has been extremist, or radical members of that religion that have done it. Lets go back to a dark day for Christianity which were the crusades. We were fighting for a piece of land that we thought was holy, and the Muslims were fighting for the same reason. But do you think that was the only reason? No Jerusalem would be a huge asset to control for any country. They waged a "Holy campaign" in the name of their god or so many surmised was the reason.

    Think about it Logically. Jerusalem was a huge hub for trade, import and export of the finest things the world had yet seen. It was also a nice military foothold to have for either warring side. If I am not mistaken people have fought more wars over silly things like Money, Land, Women, Resources, or Items of value. I can name more than a dozen wars fought over land, money, and simple human greed. If people want to name some I can be sure I can name more of mine off than you can name of those fought over religious reasons.

    Simply put why I believe in any religion? I am rolling the dice. There is no sure fire way to know what happens after death. First person to come back and report it gets a cookie though. I believe in God based on the principle of faith alone, to me all of the magnificent things in nature and the universe are evidence of him existing. To me its unfathomable that things could just accidentally end up that way through random chance. To those who say the bible is fiction I remember a famous author once saying "All fiction is based on some truth" first person to name who also gets a cookie. Thank you and have a nice day. If you can't have a nice day by going out and getting sunshine, then have a nice day by doing something than arguing about beliefs.

  91. i just dont know why people pick christianity, what about all the other religions that came before chrisianity, and beleiving in book that had over 61 writers, and has been changed through out the years. thats not beliveable, if u live ur life scared of death, you wont live very much.

  92. The World calls Christians Ignorant! Hah! Such Hypocrites . Christianity is a never ending debate.. Why ?? People are blind to there ways and are ignorant to change. If Christianity Changes people for the good( And im not implying everyone) than Why the fuss!

    Go Grow some ball sacks you low life HATERS!

  93. One may debate Christianity but the bottom line is that I have seen people’s lives change for the better. And that is never a bad thing. Rich or poor all of humanity makes mistakes daily and change for the better is always good. A label in this case makes no difference but change always does. God bless you…May God (or whatever) you believe in make you happy. As for me I believe in Jesus and we will all find out one day, who is right, and who was wrong.

  94. Religion in general is a crock full of sh!t in my opinion. Christianity will always be targetted because it is by far the most dominant, at least in the western world. I personally do not have a problem with other people's beliefs, so long as they do not impose them on me, which unfortunately I have to say Christians are famous for, so yeah, I do get annoyed when someone tells me I'll go to 'hell' if I don't start believing in Jesus.

    So here's the problems I have with Christianity and religion in general:

    -The mere concept of eternal punishment for an ephemeral crime is appalling.

    -The claim that Christianity knows exactly what 'God' in his/her/its infinite complexity wants and thinks is absolutely absurd. And don't you dare tell me God wrote the bible. Unless it fell down from the sky and fwacked Adam in the head, it was written by MEN. That goes for the Q'uran and any other religious text as well.

    -The idea that an omniescent, omnipotent being has to judge people based on their _faith_ rather than their _being_ is completely ridiculous. An omniescent God would know exactly what sort of person you were throughout your life, what you did, what you thought, and that is what we should be judged on, not how many days you went to church or how many people you converted.

    -On top of all that, the basis of the bulk of Christian belief comes from a book written 2000 fricken years ago. Newsflash people, society has actually changed! Many Christians understand this and do not take the bible's passages quite so literally, but there is always those who will not budge.
    Not many of you realise that a lot of the rules set out in religious texts were put there because they made sense at the time. Shellfish was not good to eat because people did not know how to prepare it and often died of food poisoning. Pork was banned for eating NOT because these animals are unclean, but because in places like the middle east pigs competed wish humans for food. But people are simple - its easier to tell them "GOD/AlLAH SAID THIS IS IS A SIN" instead of trying to explain to them the real reasoning behind it.

    The point is, today's society does not have these problems any more, and yet you still get people blindly following these ancient and completely outdated rules. So when I see a muslim family shopping in the supermarket with the wife all covered up except for her eyes, IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER...I respect that that is their religion but at the same time I can't stand it because it's blatant discrimination based on sex, and in a society no less where the rules forcing that woman to cover up have utterly no place.

    WTFE. People are sheep. I delight in being one of the goats that have jumped the fence.

  95. hahah you guys are funny

  96. well so all anti-christians, out u really think dat v just evolved from the big bang theory?
    mutated from chimpanzees and apes..single celled micro-organisms???
    nuthin can be more stupider than that!
    the scientists havent been able to prove it concretely!!
    some people were sayin quantum mechanics proves GOD DOESN'T EXIST..well has anyone actually seen an electron?nobody,we think it exists just because its written in our textbooks,and some experiments by our scientists....according to the heisenberg's principle the electron's position and speed can't be determined short it is impossible to see the electrons...which is very important to the living things...
    SAME WAY,GOD,v may not be able to see him but it doesnt mean he doesnt exist,Bible says so,and the evidences are clear he exists,in the book of revelation it is written that the sun would be blackened and the stars will fall on the earth...and yes after some million years the sun is going to go dark as its reserves of hydrogen and helium think its a coincidence dat too by people with very less scientific knowledge 2000 years ago????
    stars falling from the sky...the andromea galaxy our nearest neighbouring galaxy is heading on a collision course with milky way after millions of years...all these facts were written by people 2000 years ago .. and confirmed by the scientists and astronomers with their advanced systems....Bible is the GOD'S word..and whoever doesnt accept JESUS will suffer eternally...its not a threat its just a request...believe in him..

    some people said why there is poverty and war...well,if this world was without war and poverty sufferings,people would think that this is heaven,but GOD is telling to all of us if you believe in him he will lead you to the perfect place of happiness and joy,otherwise there is much worse suffering waiting in hell....
    you have the choice..the end signs are clearly visible...wars(afganistan,iraq)next mayb iran who noes??,deadly diseases(sars,swine flu,bird flu h1n1,aids,cancer),famines(water crisis,starvation in many third world countries,economic crisis),the list is long.......Dont mock him..

  97. i agree with whoever poseted about Hitler. If he was a Roman Catholic and believed in Jesus and everything else he needed to get into heaven, does that allow him more of a right into heaven than me? Im and Atheist, I'm 15, and i respect the religions of my friends, family, and those around me.

  98. science itself is incomplete it tries to find the answers of the mysteries of the universe,for example take dual nature of matter,can anyone try to visualise that a particle can be a wave and a particle at the same time????
    nobody knows why universe is expanding? is just expanding because according to our data its expanding...can someone tell me what was the universe before the big bang????
    the whole theory is absurd...."IN the beginning there was this particle very dense it exploded and we got the universe"where did the particle come from??nobody can ever tell..nothing can be more ridiculous that people believe in this rather than the BIBLE.

  99. about hitler,he was not a true christian...he murdered countless innocent people disobeying GOD's commandments who said he would go to heaven???someone who truly believes in Jesus will never do such a thing,Jesus loved all humans,he died for us,he bore shame,humiliation,punishment and torture not because he sinned,because we sinned GOD loves us but he cannot stand sin because he is holy,and the only way we can be with GOD for eternity is by believing in that he carried our sins,paid the price of sin=death and he rose on the third day.

    no one is forcing you to believe,

  100. Wow. All this arguing. And for what purpose? No one here can prove or disprove that there's a god. It's a matter of having faith. That's it. As for my personal opinion, I would rather live peacefully with people of different religions. <3Wicca

  101. christianity, along with all the other releigions, use fear to gain followers, (alot like a cult). christianity- if u do not follow god- u will burn in a lake of fire-- other religions use presents- muslim- if u die for your god in war, you gain 72 virgins. people who follow christianity and any other religion, ultamitly fear death. wich means you ultimatly fear the unknown. i got to say if i were to die and find out tha there is a a god and a devil.i would be very disapointed.its too simple. its like sombody took it out of a childrens book. if people live there lives afraid of death. they wont live to there potential

  102. Wow its sad how people will get so completely heated that someone else wont believe in what they believe. Who cares if you dont believe in God what gives you the right to judge other people. Looking at the comments the majority of the negativity is on those putting down religion. To the person that said Hitler is going to heaven even in the bible it talks of sins that cannot be forgiven. Especially if there have no intention to repent for those sins. But hey everyone has their own right to believe in what they want. I believe in Jesus there are historical records of Jesus outside the bible. I love Jesus cause he died for my sins I am proud to say that and don't care if anyone scorns me for that.
    God bless all of you!

  103. arguing on a blog is like competing in the special olympics, even if u win, you're still a fucking retard. so way to go all of you arguing on here. and those of you on here that are bitching about other ppl getting heated for someone not believing wat they do, ur doing the same thing, so who's the hypocritical moron really now? and they're not getting pissed because ppl don't agree with them, they're getting pissed because ppl on here can't tell the difference between voicing their differing opinion and disrespectfully BASHING other's beliefs, religions, values, and morals like a bunch of asshole's that get their jollies from going on the internet (because they're cowards and don't have the balls to do it to someone's face) and making people feel bad because they want to give honor and praise to something that they feel is more powerful than them and responsible for them even being on this planet, like He rightfully deserves. i know that by me saying all this on here makes me a hypocrite also, but i couldn't resist standing up for someone who's undeservingly getting slammed because they speak up for what they believe in, in a respectful, dignified manner, instead of spatting off rant-like, ignorant statements that have no reason to be said in the first place, except to intentionally offend someone (like they are being posted on this blog). now, on the flipside, just like they have the right to get upset and rebuttal to these crude, offensive statements, the people blogging about them have the right to post them also, but maybe if the people posting this shit they consider "comedy" would not be so disrespectful about it they wouldn't catch so much flak from the religious community.

    just saying

  104. just a thought:

    People argue about Science vs. Religion. Why?
    Especially to Christians, you can't say science i wrong, and that the Big Bang Theory didn't happen. And you can't say that things don't evolve or adapt because its proven they do. (that doesn't mean we came from monkey's). So Christians, why not embrace science as part of God's wisdom and creation.

    To Non-Christians: It's fine the argue with people who say science is wrong. The big bang theory might have happened. No one can say postitevly whether it did or didnt. But you can't say say that if The Big Bang Theory happened then God doesn't exist. Because what if God made the Big Bang. I mean God would've had to create the world somehow.

    This goes for pretty much all scientific ideas. they can coexist. The bible doesn't disprove science. And science can't disprove the Bible And besides since from these posts it is clear tht neither one can be "proved completely" indepedently maybe that supports the idea they both exist.

    but again. just a thought

  105. Christians have screwed what Christianity's message is about. The message Jesus brought was one of love, compassion, and hope. But chrisitians have become ignorant, arrogant, hating, selfish, and greedy. But than at the same time. don't we all? We all have screwed up, made mistakes, hurt others, and have hurt ourselves. But God sent his only son to die the most painful death known to man. to take away the wages of sin which is death. don't hate christianity hate what christians have done to the name. whether you believe there is a God or not, love one another. don't hate cause we already have enough of that in this world. and to all you chriatians, love on EVERYONE you encounter and quit trying to convince people that God exists. its not our job to make people believe. if we show them love they will wonder why we show it, and we'll tell them. and the people who believe that God allows so much suffering and why "good" people get hurt listen: God gave us free will, we screwed up in the perfection of The Garden and sent sin into our life. you don't have to train a toddler to make trouble. you say "don't stick that thing in the outlet" they do it anyway. or if you give a kid a toy and he doesn't share. no one taught him that, it's in his nature. so take responsibility for your actions and know that it isn't God who makes suffering it is each and everyone of us. and he allows it because he gave us free will. of he wanted it to all stop we would all be robots doing the the programmer tells us to. that's not a life. anyways.

    peace out. stay strong in times of struggles. don't give up. and remember there is a perfect love out there for anyone who chooses to accept it.

  106. You guys seem to get it all wrong.I challenge anyone who isn't afraid to lose their point of view to debate with me. I am a Roman Catholic, the main branch of Christianity (yes, it all spouted from there). One question at a time.

  107. I worship a Goddess. :]]
    I don't believe in the power of Jesus.
    I believe in science and spirituality.
    The bible is full of contradictory statements.
    The sad thing is whenever I talk about anything with a christian they always have an excuse for everything, even when it debunks prior statements.

    I think it's best to look within yourself for spiritual enlightenment instead of some external force that doesn't seem to care about you, but yet you'll probably just say that it does care, it's just not always apparent what it is doing.

    PS If the knowledge of Good and Evil was in the fruit, how were Adam and Eve suppose to know that disobeying God was a bad thing?

  108. Well, if you take Genesis literally, then the earth is only about 8k years old, which is quite false. If fact, the first eleven books of Genesis is one of those things here you compare easily, modern, describable things to help someone visualize what they've never seen. People could not comprehend the details and did not use a scientific method, so a day to them might be a period of work as opposed to our day of midnight to midnight. And Adam and Eve might be figurative for the period from us being fruit pickers to manipulators of the land, which opened up the way for knowledge, where we moved into a lack of faith from a period of much faith and bliss.

    You might find I am... different than the rest, since I also use science and spirituality. I prefer to fight your arguments by logic... with logic.

  109. This is so sad. I really wish that we (Christians) could sit back and be content with the fact that we are saved by grace because of Jesus Christ. It is hard not to give in to the temptation of letting you get what you deserve for eternity. Its sad that we have to try and argue with you foolish men about something that takes no effort on your part, just believe. That's it. The bible is all about metaphors Jesus told stories using metaphors. don't over analyze the bible until you have read it. then you can analyze it. but you will realize that you just cant figure out god. but you can feel him he is around you. I believe science is important. i believe that we are becoming familiar with our surroundings but god will allude us until we die. don't you feel it? have you ever meditated? felt love? had a child? THAT IS GOD! you dont have to understand it because you cant. I have lived a life of sin, plenty of sin. but because of Jesus I am free of that sin. that feels wonderful. Being a christian is the highlight of my life. not the drugs or sex which i have experimented with. I feel sorry for ignorant fools who mock my lord for giving his life for me. take all of the information people are giving you to heart. think about it. unfortunately we have to care. If I wasn't obligated to do so I would just live my life avoiding the fools of the world. Enjoy your short lives full of conscious immoral sin. I'm gonna enjoy my eternity with my father.

  110. yes knowledge of good and evil was in the fruit. Adam and Eve knew not to eat the fruit because GOD himself said not to. that was the only rule. they could do anything. but they disobayed a direct order. an easy one at that. so do we. we are told not to have sex before marrage or dont do drugs. we say oh well i want to make my own choices so we do them. we each deserve what adam and eve got. We all get the chance to be perfect like jesus. but we fail cus we suck

  111. A few things. First of all, Christians, feel free to express your opinions, but try to turn the other cheek and not be so aggressive, even though I disagree with you. I digress, religious debates are enjoyable and productive, and so are vegetarianism vs meat eating (But please, I won't get in your face, eat what you eat but don't argue here).

    Second of all, the god in the Bible. That god, huh? He killed alot of people. And so casually. The god in the Bible is an angry god. And the god in the Bible certainly doesn't seem to love everyone ('couse, one may argue that god loves you even with his violent actions). This is clearly debatable, but I don't see how one could worship a god that is so cruel.

    Third of all, I do love Jesus. Like John Lennon did.

    "I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong."

    -John Lennon

    'Nuff said.

    Fourth of all, a question. Why do you believe in the Christian god? I just don't see the sources. I mean, the Bible has no real proof. I could write anything in a book. What is the probability of it really being the word of god? What makes you think so?

    Fifth of all, I enjoy sex. I enjoy some drugs (not anything hardcore, just marijuana, occasionally LSD (with a babysitter- don't want any bad trips)). I'm going to talk about sex and drugs separately.

    Sex, I find sacred, and should be shared with someone you truly care about, not someone you barely know. But sex MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY.

    Drugs can shorten your life. I don't wanna be old. Do what you want, I'll do as I do, I don't blame you for thinking drugs are stupid. I actually had a drinking problem at one point. They sorta are.

    Lastly. I speak from experience. I never could quite, or at all, get how god can cause you to love someone so much, so passionately, and not couse the other person a similar feeling. God would make me so angry as to really want to kill myself (no, I wouldn't, I was very close but now I understand, just I don't wanna debate about that). What is the reason for this? It's not the best argument, but it's different when you experience it (which most people have, I think).

  112. Christianity: The belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically accept him as your leader so he can remove the evil force inside your body that is present because a women made out of a rib was convinced by a talking snake to eat a magical apple of infinite knowledge.

    Makes perfect sense.

  113. coming back, I'd also like to say to the people claiming Jesus died for my sins, why does Jesus' death make it all better? Sure he died, but my sins have nothing to do with his death.

    I do not understand this concept, so if someone could only explain what you mean by this, I would be grateful.

  114. ok so here you go... Jesus WAS fully God and fully man, the fact that he lived a sinless life and was killed goes back to the Jewish tradition of sacrificing a lamb that was completely innocent to forgive the sins of a human. The fact that Jesus was GOD made it possible for him to live a perfect life and then be killed for claiming to be god and defeat death (Because he is god), because "the wages of sin is death" as defined by god, so you are saying Christians are ignorant. have you taken the time to find one thing in the Bible that is an impossibility? There is nothing there for you to believe that. I'd say C.S. Lewis was a pretty smart dude and he tried to prove Christianity wrong and it made him Christian because you CAN'T prove it wrong. Nowhere in the bible does it say that with Jesus your life becomes sinless or you can't make mistakes, because that isn't the truth. The reason we need God in the first place is because he created us and loves us unconditionally... any more questions?
