Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jesus Fact #42

Jesus Fact #42

Jesus enjoyed Adam Lambert at the AMAs... I mean, really enjoyed it...


  1. this isnt even funny its just disrespectful. go get a life and find jokes that are actually funny. and not about jesus. kthanks

  2. yeah 2true its not funny at all and all ur guna do is get into trouble with alot of people

  3. I love this fact, finally Jesus and I have something in common!

  4. why are you reading JESUS FACTS if you are going to get offended. do you go to porn sites and get offended with the extra-marital sex that is happening there? you idiots get lives.

  5. in case you were wondering why I am reading this, I actually just stumbled upon it on facebook. I am not offended by porn because that is their own life, but I am offended because he is my God. He saved my life and it is my duty to stand up for what I believe in. That would be Jesus Christ

  6. its also my duty to mock your willing suspension of disbelief, and your unwillingness to question your own claims, like science does.

  7. Hey! heres an idea, go find something else to do than to preach your beliefs on other people! its here for HUMOR, not to offend people! so if you don't like it, STOP LOOKING AT IT.

  8. Seriously SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Nothing of the bible is true. God exists. Sience is true. Scientology is a bunch of shit. Jesus freaks burn in HELL. NOW GO GET A FUCKING LIFE.

  9. I don't really care if people joke around with the Bible a little bit, because whatever they want to do is fine, but THIS ^ is going way too far.

    "SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP."? I'll say whatever I please, whenever I please, thank you.

    "Nothing of the bible is true."
    How do you know? Were you there? Are you God?

    "God exists".
    Yes, he does.

    "Science is true".
    Yes, it is also true.

    "Scientology is a bunch of shit".
    You'd know how...?

    "Jesus freaks burn in HELL".
    I'll laugh when YOU'RE in hell.

    Why don't you? See, when people on the internet tell others to go get lives, they're being downright hypocritical.

    You have no belittle or swear at others' beliefs.

  10. Yes, its easy to dispute someone who was being facetious. This person has the right to mock your beliefs, and you have to get over it. Your religion deserves no respect and should not be immune from mockery or criticism.

  11. I know these are jokes, but they can be offensive to people. I only came here because I saw it on FaceBook. I'm a Christian, and even if I wasn't, these wouldn't be funny. They're just kinda lame IMO.

    Oh, and by the way, we don't deserve any respect. No human does. We are all fallen people and we all deserve hell. Thank God for what he did with his only Son.

  12. God deserves less respect than humans do, as we can recognize humans accomplishments on Earth
